Introducing PureHeroes

A landmark initiative for healthcare volunteering

A collaboration between Emirates Foundation and PureHealth to revolutionize healthcare volunteerism in the UAE

The vision of PureHeroes is to create a unified platform dedicated to harnessing the potential of healthcare volunteers across the country. This initiative will match the skills of volunteers to the needs of the community, playing a pivotal role in strengthening the nation's healthcare framework.

About PureHeroes

The Birth of PureHeroes

An initiative of unity, skill, and dedication

Witnessed by His Highness Sheikh Theyab bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Emirates Foundation and PureHealth have inked a strategic agreement to establish 'PureHeroes'. Both entities will unite their expertise to focus on healthcare volunteering initiatives, aiming to make a substantial positive impact on the people of UAE.

Our Objectives

Driving Change in Healthcare Volunteerism

Aligning skills with needs, for a healthier future

With an emphasis on enhanced community engagement and a strengthened societal health infrastructure, PureHeroes aims to identify and fulfill specific healthcare requirements across regions and communities. From skill-based volunteering to targeted healthcare initiatives, the program sets a new benchmark in healthcare volunteering.

Get Involved

Be Part of the Movement

Every contribution counts. Join the PureHeroes mission

Whether you're a medical professional offering expertise, a student seeking practical experience, a corporate employee wanting to give back, or someone from the general community willing to assist, there's a role for you in PureHeroes.

Promoting Health and Wellbeing

Beyond Volunteering: A Focus on Preventative Care

Cultivating a culture of health, awareness, and fitness

PureHeroes believes in the power of knowledge and proactive care. Through awareness campaigns and access to healthcare services timely, we aim to promote early detection, preventative measures, and holistic wellbeing. Join our virtual health challenges and be an advocate for a healthier society.

About Emirates Foundation

The Pillar Behind PureHeroes

A legacy of dedication to sustainable community development

Founded in 2005 under the visionary leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Emirates Foundation is a beacon of public-private funded initiatives. It's committed to addressing the nation's most pressing challenges by implementing research-based programs that champion societal growth and community welfare.

Our Initiatives


How To Become A Volunteer?

You deserve to find your purpose. Reach out to us by emailing us your enquires